Teaching and Learning with Digital Technology

EdTech Ventures supports our clients in the design and implementation of appropriate, practical and innovative digital education solutions based on strong pedagogical principles to enhance and support the education experience and to help all learners realise their potential.

We understand that there are many approaches to pedagogy in the 21st century. The effectiveness of any pedagogical approach can depend on the particular subject matter to be taught and often the specific social, cultural and economic conditions. This requires an understanding of the diverse needs of different learners, and adapting to the on-the-ground conditions in the classroom and the surrounding context. The best educators believe in the capacity of their students to learn and will utilize a range of pedagogical approaches to ensure this learning occurs. All the best approaches will focus on the development of knowledge, understanding and skills for the learner using a range of approaches based on the particular structure and context of the education system in place.

Learner Centered Approach

A personalized adaptive learner centered approach is designed to prepare students with strong content knowledge and understanding, and with the 21st Century skills to prosper in the modern global economy and society.

The development of creativity, collaboration and communication skills is integrated holistically with a curriculum structure which supports high levels of attainment in STEM, literacy, social and cultural education, the arts and modern ICT skills. Strong assessment for learning helps the student learn and helps the teacher guide and coach the students to achieve their potential.

Conceptual Learning

To some, conceptual learning can be seen as a more top-down approach when compared with the bottom-up model used in more traditional learning. To others who view traditional learning as rote memorization of facts and figures, conceptual learning is perceived as a means for getting students to think more critically about the new subjects and situations they encounter. It has been shown to help them achieve a significantly broader understanding of the concepts they are studying and their contexts.Conceptual learning is an educational method that centers on big-picture ideas and learning how to organize and categorize information. Unlike more traditional learning models which concentrate on the ability to recall specific facts, conceptual learning focuses on helping students understand broader principles or ideas (concepts) that can later be applied to a variety of specific examples.

Collaborative Inquiry Based Learning

It is essential that students are educated for knowledge creation, lifelong learning and leadership. They will take on leading roles in their future working environments: directing change, asking important questions, collaborating, solving problems and developing new knowledge. Collaborative Inquiry Based Learning describes an environment in which learning is driven by a process of inquiry that is owned by the student. Starting with a ‘scenario’ and with the guidance of a facilitator, students identify their own issues and questions. They then collaborate together to examine the resources they need to research the topic, thereby acquiring the requisite knowledge. Knowledge so gained is more readily retained because it has been acquired by experience and in relation to a real problem.